Saturday, 30 March 2013

Holding page goes live

We're very excited that this week - the 'clare loves' holding page went live.  So have a peek at

Over the next months, we look forward to sharing details of all the lovely things we find.  Also, thank you to the makers I have been contacting for all your positive comments about the 'clare loves' concept.         

Friday, 22 March 2013

First post - ever, anywhere ...

Having never written a blog before, this is all new to me.  One of those things where you have to jump right in - so here I go.

'clare loves' is a new online store that will be opening Summer this year.  Everything you'll find in our store will have been designed and made here in the UK.  And behind the name, I'm Clare and I will only ever sell things that I truly love!  It's a simple idea really.

So, welcome to the new 'clare loves' blog.  This is where I'll let you know all about my new finds for the store and other inspiration.